Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scriptures declare that God or Brahman is the cause of Bliss

तद्धेतुव्यपदेशाच्च |
and because Brahman is declared to be the cause of it (i.e. Bliss or Ananda) it implies that the suffix 'maya' denotes abundance

Tad + Hetu(तद् + हेतु): The cause of that (i.e. bliss or ananda); vyapadeshAt(व्यपदेशात्):  because of statement of declaration; cha(च): and;

The scriptures declares that Brahman or God is the cause of the bliss.
"Esha hyevanandayati—For he alone causes bliss” Taittereya . Up.II-7.

He who causes bliss must himself abound in bliss, just as a man who enriches others must himself be in possession of abundant wealth. The giver of bliss to all is Bliss itself. Hence Anandamaya (abundance of bliss) is Brahman or God

Introduction - part1part2part3part4

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