Topic 5 (sutras 5 - 11) : Ikshatyadyadhikaranam [Ikshateh: on account of seeing; adhikaranam: section, topic, proposition]
ईक्षतेर्नाशब्दम् |
On account of seeing (i.e thinking being attributed in the Upanishads to the cause of the world; the pradhana*) is not (to be identified with the cause indicated by the Upanishads; for) it is not founded on Scripture
*Saankhya philosophy puts forth an argument that the first cause of this world is pradhana (matter) which is a non-intelligent entity
Ikshateh(ईक्षते): on account of seeing (thinking); Na(न): is not; Ashabdam(अशब्दम्): not based on the scriptures
This sutra is stating that the cause of the world can be attributed only to the intelligent principle called Brahman and no other entity
ईक्षतेर्नाशब्दम् |
On account of seeing (i.e thinking being attributed in the Upanishads to the cause of the world; the pradhana*) is not (to be identified with the cause indicated by the Upanishads; for) it is not founded on Scripture
*Saankhya philosophy puts forth an argument that the first cause of this world is pradhana (matter) which is a non-intelligent entity
Ikshateh(ईक्षते): on account of seeing (thinking); Na(न): is not; Ashabdam(अशब्दम्): not based on the scriptures
This sutra is stating that the cause of the world can be attributed only to the intelligent principle called Brahman and no other entity
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