Friday, October 29, 2010

How to prove if GOD exists?

As discussed in the previous post, there are various means to acquire right knowledge.

Generally accepted means are
1) Knowledge gained by the means of senses
2) Knowledge gained by the means of inference
3) Knowledge gained by the means of analogy
4) Knowledge gained by the means of texts

I tried to answer the question Is GOD just a myth? by employing some of the above means. However the first three have their own limitations and they best act as tools to acquire right knowledge. The texts that speak about GOD are plenty and written by many authors. After all when an author writes he uses one of the above means to acquire right knowledge. For composing a text an author will refer to texts written by other authors prior to his work. This process of referring can go on infinitely until there was an ever existing text source from which all the future texts have been derived. This ever existing text source which speaks about GOD must have been a creation/revelation of/by GOD (ever existing entity) which otherwise would have been a referred work. This ever existing text source having been created/revealed by GOD must remain consistent irrespective of the time, situation, place and other necessary conditions.

Now in today's world we can observe that there are handful of such texts which are considered to be such revelations. In the interest of acquiring right knowledge from texts we have to explore and analyze the texts. But it is equally difficult to acquire complete knowledge from at least one text considering the average life span of a human being. So an attempt to study one of the texts, would be helpful in getting the right knowledge during the life span. If we agree there is re-birth, then we carry forward the knowledge acquired so far to the next birth. If we disagree then we are still better placed to have at least made an attempt to acquire right knowledge.

Having born in the frame work of Sanatana Dharma [eternal law] now interpreted as Hinduism, i will henceforth make an attempt to explore and interpret the ever existing revealed texts of sanatana dharma.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your efforts on the website for the best things you have been trying to make enthusiasts gain some knowledge out of Vedas. Great..
