तन्निष्ठस्य मोक्षोपदेशात् |
Tannishthasya mokshopadesat
Salvation is declared to one who is devoted to truth
Tat(तत्) : to that; Nishthasya(निष्ठस्य) : of the devoted; Mokshopadesat(मोक्षोपदेशात्) : from the statement of salvation
Chandogya Upanishad says "Thou art That" or "Tat Tvam Asi". The non intelligent pradhana cannot be attributed to the word self. If you were to assign pradhana as That the sentence "Thou Art That" would imply Thou Art Non-intelligent. Then the scriptures would be a source of evil. Since the scriptures are a means of right knowledge, they cannot refer the self to a non-intelligent pradhana. The scriptures apply the word Self to Sat(Truth/Right) only in its primary meaning. Hence it is declared in the scriptures that he, who is absolutely devoted to the Creator or cause of the world, attains the final emancipation. It is not reasonable to say that one attains his release by devotion to blind matter, Pradhana