Topic 2: Janmadyadhikaranam [janma : birth, origin etc.; adhikaranam : section, topic,proposition]
जन्माद्यस्य यतः |
Janmadyasya yatah
(Brahman is that) from which the origin etc., (i.e. the origin, sustenance & dissolution) of this (world proceed).
janmadi (जन्मदि) : origin etc.; asya (अस्य) : of this (world); yatah (यतः) : from which
Answer to the enquiry of Brahman is given in this sutra. Brahman is the only cause, stay and final resort of this world.
Brahman who is originator, preserver and absorber of this vast world must have unlimited powers or characteristics. Hence he is omnipotent or omniscient. Knowledge of Brahman can be obtained by reflection on its attributes. Inference or reasoning is an instrument which can be used to study the attributes of Brahman without conflicting with the vedanta texts.
This sutra points to a vedantic text which gives a description of the characteristics of Brahman. It is the passage from Taittiriya Upanishad III-i:
Bhrigu went to his father Varuna asking "Sir, teach me Brahman"
Varuna said
यतो॒ वा इ॒मानि॒ भूता॑नि॒ जाय॑न्ते | येन॒ जाता॑नि॒ जीव॑न्ति । यत्प्रय॑न्त्य॒भिसंवि॑शन्ति | तद्विजि॑ज्ञासस्व | तद ब्रह्मेति॑ ||
yatO vaa imaani bhUtaani jaayaMtE | yEna jaataani jeevaMti | yat prayaMtyabhisaMvishaMti | tadvijijnaasasva | tadbrahmEti ||
That from whence these beings are born, that by which, when born they live, that into which they enter at their death, try to know That. That is Brahman
Note on Vedic Swaras
The above sanskrit text from Taittiriya Upanishad III-i, has annotations on top and below certain letters. They denote the Vedic swaras [variations in pitch]. The swaras are indicated for recitation purpose. As per the annotations the pitch of the voice has to be changed when reciting that particular letter.
- The letters with no annotations are known as udaata (उदात) - normal pitch
- The letters with an underscore below them are known as anudaata (अनुदात) - low pitch
- The letters with a vertical line above it are knows as swarita (स्वरित) - high pitch
- The letters with two vertical lines above it are known as deerga swarita(दीर्ग स्वरित) - high pitch and stretch it